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Dr. Minocha's Series on Digestive Myths & Healthy Realities....


By Dr. A. Minocha,   author of  "How To Stop Heartburn: Simple Ways to Heal Heartburn and Acid Reflux" and "Natural Stomach Care: Treating and Preventing Digestive Disorders with Best of Eastern and Western Therapies"

Is it a Myth or a Fact?

"Fiber in diet does not have any side-effects..."

I frequently hear this common misconception even among many health care providers. Many soluble fibers are broken down by the bacteria in the colon. This produces gas which can be troublesome. The bowel usually adapts well to the increased gas within a few days in most patients. The fiber can also bind to nutrients in the gut e.g. calcium, iron and zinc. This may cause decreased absorption of these minerals. Some types of fibers may also bind to the drugs ingested e.g. digoxin and prevent their absorption. Sometimes, the fiber may just form a big glob of stool mass unwilling to move and produce a situation mimicking obstruction. Allergic reactions have been reported extremely rarely with plant gums. Nevertheless, in most cases, the benefits of fiber intake would far outweigh the risks. Putting it in proper context, the fiber supplements appear to have the least toxic potential among the laxatives.

More Facts or Myths


                         Read the whole Series on Myths about Digestive health    

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High Fiber diet                                                                                 

High Fiber diet  Facts & Myths                

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