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Slowing of cognitive processes: declining memory and difficulty in remembering new people and events
Sensory decline: delay in refocusing eyes and impaired ability to hear high-pitched sounds
Weakened immune system: increased susceptibility to colds, flu and other illnesses
Decline in muscle and bone mass
Increased risk of developing heart disease and cancer

Many people live well into their 80s and beyond. As the body ages, various systems slow down, and the risk of disease increases. You cannot halt the progress of time, but you can forestall some of the negative effects of ageing with a healthy lifestyle and well chosen supplements.

What It Is.

Put simply, ageing is the process of growing old. Every part of the body is affected. Among other changes, hair turns grey, skin wrinkles, joints and muscles lose flexibility, bones become weak, memory declines, eyesight diminishes and immunity is impaired.

What Causes it?

The process of cell division and replacement that continues throughout life slows down with advancing age, and a progressive deterioration of all body systems begins. Though some decline is normal and inevitable, many researchers believe that unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals accelerate the process, making some people old before their time. A certain amount of damage is unavoidable because free radicals are produced during the normal course of cell activity, but it may be possible to slow down ageing by avoiding outside factors that foster free-radical formation - e.g. cigarette smoke, pollution, excessive alcohol, and radiation from X-rays or the sun and by enhancing the body's own antioxidant defences. Manufactured by the cells and obtained through diet, antioxidants are powerful weapons that can disarm free radicals.

How Can Supplements Help?

Some supplements should be used daily by everyone concerned about the effects of ageing. Vitamin C and vitamin E are antioxidants that fight free radicals. Vitamin C and flavoniods work within the cells' watery interiors. Vitamin E protect the fatty membranes that surround cells; in addition, it improves immune function in older people and reduces the risk of some age-related conditions, including heart disease, some forms of cancer and, possibly, Alzheimer's disease. Green tea extract - which has long been prized for its longevity-promoting properties, and grape seed extract (100mg twice a day) are other antioxidants that may be more potent than Vitamin C and E.


Folic acid, a B vitamin, maintains red blood cells and promotes the healthy functioning of nerves. Moreover, it protects the heart by helping the body process homocyteine, and amino acid-like compound that may raise the risk of heart disease.

See Your Doctor

If you are 50 or over, you need a health check every year, but see your doctor straight away if you are worried about the risk of age-related disease.


If you have a medical condition please consult your dotor before taking any supllements.

Folic acid is assisted by vitamin B12 which fosters healthy brain function. Vitamin B12 supplements are useful for older people because many of them lose the ability to absorb the vitamins from food, and low B12 levels can cause nerve damage and dementia. It is probably best to take B vitamins in the for of an 'A to Z' multivitamin and mineral formulation; these have been shown to improve the immune function and reduce infection rates in the elderly, who need more of a wide range of nutrients.

The amino acid-like substance carnitine contributes to a healthy heart because it helps transport oxygen to the cells and produces energy. To protect against osteoporosis, nutritionist recommend supplementation with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D because adequate doses of these are not supplied by multivitamins and mineral formulations. The herb ginkgo biloba enhances blood flow, and may therefore improve such age-related conditions as dizziness, impotence and memory loss.

What Else Can You Do?

  • Protect yourself from the sun - Ultraviolet rays make skin age faster (Try Deeptan)
  • If you smoke, give it up. Smoking speeds bone and lung deterioration
  • Build and maintain bone and muscle mass with weight bearing exercise, such as walking and weight training
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables - they are rich in antioxidants - and oily fish for omega-3 fatty acids

Supplement Recommendations

(Click on Product for more information)
Vitamin C/Flavonids Also aim to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day Vivaxl
Vitamin E Consult your doctor if you take anticoagulant drugs Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Great Tea Extract Standardized to contain at least 50% polyphenols Green Tea
Folic Acid B12 Take the sublingual form for most efficient absorption Memory Boost
Carntine If you take a carnitine supplement for longer than one month, add mixed amino acids  
Calcium/magnesium Combination supplement designed to enhance done strength; should include vitamin D Magnesium Glucosamine & Chondroitin 500
Ginkgo Biloba Standardized to contain 24% flavone glycosides  

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Recent Findings

Vitamin E may add years to your life. In a study by the USA National Institute on Ageing, people who tool vitamin E supplements were about half as likely to die of heart disease as those who are not using vitamin E. In another American study, the vitamin strengthened the immune system in people aged 65 and older. Those who tool 125mg of vitamin E daily over a 4 month period showed significant immune system improvement compared with people who were given other doses of the vitamin or a placebo.

A Swiss study found a link between high levels of antioxidants (such as beta-carotene and vitamin C) in the blood and better memory skills in older people.

Did You Know

Although appetite often decreases as people grow older, the body's demand for vitamins, mineral and other nutrients actually increases.

Facts & Tips
Some practitioners advise that people over the age of 50 take a supplement of coenzyme Q10 to minimise the effects of ageing. This substance helps transport energy throughout the body and acts as an antioxidant, but its production by the body declines with age. If you want to add coenzyme Q10 to your regimen, take 50mg twice a day with food.
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