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Congenital Bilateral Cataracts

From: K Anderson
Date: 14 Feb 2004
Time: 07:15:23
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My daughter had congenital bilateral cataracts. When she was 1 month she had her first surgery to remove the right cataract, then 2 weeks later the left one was removed. Because of the cataract surgery, she got glaucoma. She is now 11 months old and has 5 surgeries (3 being glaucoma surgeries) and has been under anesthesia 7 times. She's worn contacts since she was 2 months old and glasses since she was 3 months old. She's scheduled for a check up under anesthesia in 3 weeks to see what surgeries she will need. I guess the point of this is to encourage any parents of babies born with this condition that everything will be okay.

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