Eyes and Related Health Issues

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Re: glucoma

Excessive Eye Blinking

From: [email protected]
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Time: 04:27:21
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My 11 year old granddaughter blinks excessively. She stopped for a while, but then started it again a few months ago. We fitted her with glasses and it went away, but now, even with the glasses, it is back. She lost her mother, my daughter, last year to breast cancer. I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. Any advice would help. Concerned Grandmother

Date: 15 Jul 2000
Time: 13:50:48
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in lay persons terms , glucoma is build up of fluid pressure inside the eye that tends to damage the optic nerve of a person and might ultimately lead to blindness if not treated.It the pressure can be maintained low with the help of medication, the damage to the optic nerve can be contained, otherwise a surgery maybe required. You can not just go on assuming that the pressure will be contained or kept low with medication unless u check on regularly and make sure of it. If he can keep putting in medication regularly and doctors see the pressure contained to low numbers, it maybe ok. Recently I was talking to a qualified doctor and I was told that once a person has glucoma, the damage to optic nerve never stops even if the pressure is under control or a surgery is performed. Which is a scary thought. He also informed me that experimental oral drugs are in research stage to prevent such a long term continous damage...Talk to your father's doctor.He is the only one who can give you a real prognosis of your father's situation..

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