Eyes and Related Health Issues

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excessive eye blinking

From: [email protected]
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Time: 10:23:40
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My 3 yr old son recently started blinking his eyes constantly, almost like a tick. He is newly potty trained and just started day camp. Could these new pressures have caused this? Is there anything one can do to help this? Thanks.

From: [email protected]
Date: 12 Jul 2000
Time: 07:25:12
Remote Name:


sir, my father is sufferring from glucoma for past 10 yrs he lost he right eye in 1980's since then he was in medication. in early 90's he got an attack to another eye since then he is on medication he uses pilocar 2% 4taday,timolal0.5twice a day doctors say that if u maintain the pressure ur eyae will be saved and no surgery is required, but my father says that his vission is detiriorating we cannot understand the phenomenon could u suggest any measures to be taken could u inform any thing about new developments in glucoma. thanking u sir srinivas

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