Eyes and Related Health Issues

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abc at tampa congenital cataracts

From: [email protected]
Date: 17 Jun 2003
Time: 08:55:20
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Hi, I am not sure if you still want input on the cataracts as my son at 15 years old had the surgery and now at 17 he just had YAG done because his cataracts grew back. Let me know if you want input.

From: SHJ
Date: 22 Jun 2000
Time: 11:03:06
Remote Name:


Hi pat....I am not a doctor but I can tell you what I know from reading about the graves disease. Graves disease is a thyroid gland that overproduces thyroid hormone. The patient feels hot when those around feel cold. One detrimental aspect of Graves' is Graves' ophthalmopathy. The eyes bulge because inflammation cells and inflammation goop fill the eye socket. the eyelids can retract eyes tear all the time.Inflammation goop infilterates eye muscles, disturbing their co-ordinated movements resulting in double visison. Predinison, a cortisone drug and radiation are considered to be two effective treatments depending on the doctor's recommendations. Surgery is yet another method of decompressing the eye socket and realigning eye muscles. Eyelid surgery can rid the patient of constant tearing. Smoke and smoking aggravates grave's disease, so should be avoided. Your father's doctor, however is the best judge of his medical situation.Talk to him about specifics of your father's health problem.

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