Eyes and Related Health Issues

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Re: glucoma


From: [email protected]
Date: 27 Nov 2002
Time: 20:29:17
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My 12 day old son has a cataract in his left eye. Please tell me what they did for your daughter and how it turned out. Thanks

From: gary
Date: 25 Apr 2000
Time: 16:40:41
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I found out in December 99 that I had glucoma. All my life I have never had problems with my eyes and periodic eye examines never indicated problems or glucoma. But, within a very short period of time the deteriation of the optic nerve had progressed to the point that I have lost some 90% vision in one eye and am seeing a slower deteriation of the eye sight in the other eye. I am currently on several drops and have had two laser surgeries, so far my pressure is still out of control and have experienced extreme pain and nausea associated with the glucoma. I am concerned that at this rate, I shall loose most of my sight in just a few years. I am 35 years old. I am wondering if other have had such a fast deteriation of this condition and is there are others of my age who are fighting this condition?

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