Eyes and Related Health Issues

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Laser surgery

eye blinking

From: [email protected]
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Time: 06:43:20
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My son is 8 and last year around this same time he started blinking his eyes bad...I took him to the doctors and had his eyes checked and they said he had prefect vision..after that he stopped doing the blinking...but now almost a year later he is blinking again...I realized that last time i ignored that he was doing it and he stopped..and now i am trying the same method..i think its just school and he is neverous or stressed but i have talked to him and he said nothing is wrong...i am very worried about my son and i have an appointment with his docotor this week..reading all the messages here today its seems that all the children are around the same age...??? blinking is comming and going and my sons blinking is around the same time of year and lasted for several months last time...tracy

From: marlene
Date: 07 Apr 2000
Time: 16:59:39
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My MOM has had quad by-pass surgery and also had a stroke. Will cateract surgery with lasers put undo strain on her heart?

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