Eyes and Related Health Issues

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Re: glucoma

Cyst in the eye (on eyeball)

From: [email protected]
Date: 28 May 2002
Time: 11:34:00
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I have recently been diagnosed with having a cyst on my eyeball. My ophtalmologist informs me it a conditions affecting mostly people of African origin and is recurrent. Anyone know more about it? Thank You.

Date: 29 Feb 2000
Time: 00:55:19
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Hi...I had operation from glucoma in my both eyes some 6-7 years ago and pressure has been under control ever since. I don't have to use any medication right now and constant low pressure has prevented any further damage to the optic nerve. My eye sight has not deteriorated significantly over past 6-7 years after the operation. Now I wish I had the operation done when first diagnosed . At that time my vision was 20/20. In older people however there might be a constant need for medication to control pressure in eye even after the operation. But it is probably a good thing to do if a qualified doctor is suggesting it. A glucoma operation by a good surgeon might stop any further damage to your fathers eye and he might be able to keep the current level of vision he has right now...Good luck to you and your father

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