Eyes and Related Health Issues

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In Reply to help with Glaucoma

From: Charlie
Date: 09 May 2002
Time: 15:06:16
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There is reaserch going on into the causes, prevention and to some extent cure of this horrible disease: Part of the reserch sugests amazingly that healthy exercise, where you reduce body fat and water levels ie: jogging for 30 mins 3 times a week can have dramitic effects in reducing the presure in the eye where glaucoma exists. I am a little afaid that myself might have gluacoma in my left eye, as I seem to suffer from the usual sife effects of blured vision, minor eye pain which feels like pressure build up in my eye, and a red eye with strained blood vessels. Amazinly though if I do any kind of exercise, perticuly jogging the discomfant starts to ease almost imediatly. With after a few days of jogging round the local park, my eye returns to a normal whiteness, are ALL discomfant totally goes away:- Only to return if I start slacking up on the joging. I hope for God sake I do not have Glaucoma as surely all the doctors out there must have known about exercise. Either I have not got Gluacoma just some body fat behind my eye which builds up, hence the reason why exercise is so helpful, OR I have got Glaucoma, but knowone else has discovered this amazing cure!!!!!!!

From: [email protected]
Date: 28 Feb 2000
Time: 02:40:08
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My father is suffering from Glucoma. The doctor is telling that my Dad has lost visio totally in one eye. In the other eye, he got operated recently, which will help to keep the pressure in that eye controlled. I am worried and want to know, whether my Dad will loss that eye too. Please reply.

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