Eyes and Related Health Issues

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eye sight

feedback please

From: stryker
Date: 06 Apr 2002
Time: 17:00:26
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I am 31 and have congenital cataracts. My vision is 20/200 in my right eye and 20/90 in my left and getting worse. My wife and I own our own business and pay a fortune for health insurance to cover our family. I went to my eye doctor last summer to get new pair of glasses and he told me I would be wasting my money, it was time to see a specialist. Last Tuesday I went to the specialist and he immediately put me on the list for surgery 4/11/02. Two days later the doctor's office called and said my insurance is denying due to a pre-existing condition. My doctor has been EXTREMELY understanding about my situation and gave me a very generous discount to pay cash (approx $800/eye, normally $4800). I got my hopes up and was so excited that finally I would be able to have good eye sight...until I called the surgery center to get their cash price. $4600!! per eye. All hopes ran right down my cheeks with my tears. Can you believe this. We were told by the state board of insurance that if we worked for a BIG company and had their insurance, they would have to pay...due to the money they pay the insurance company. Do you think this is discrimination against the small business owner in the U.S.!?!? HELL YES! Those who have the money, rule. I'm 31, have a wife and 3 children, own a small business, trying to live the American dream, and am going blind with my only option being coming up with $12,000 cash! I was told that I shouldn't even be driving legally. To make matters worse (and I'm tying not to sound too hateful, but) I know someone that had her stomach stapled to loose weight and insurance paid. Now the IRS is allowing tax right off's for obesity treatment. My wife and I go to the gym regularly and combined have lost close to 175lbs by exercise and proper diet. What are insurance companies trying to prove? Here I'm going blind and people are getting help from every angle to loose weight and fit better in their size 6 jeans and I have to suffer because of my genes! You can help your weight problem by getting off the couch but insurance won't pay for something that is for me, just as life threatening.

Feedback Please!

Date: 18 Feb 2000
Time: 11:28:13
Remote Name:


are there any natural diets or exercises to improve eye sight...??

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