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Re: optic atrophy

I need to know more about Glucoma

From: Paul Lavery
Date: 04 Apr 2002
Time: 23:29:18
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I am an A Level student in Northern Ireland and for my studies I need to know more about Glucoma, how it is caused, what the person sees, and how do I find out more. Please contact me on [email protected]

Date: 17 Feb 2000
Time: 08:06:16
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Neurological problems can frequently be frustrating in terms of diagnosis. Optic neuritis is a known manifestation of multiple sclerosis, but it can occur as a result of viral infection, bee stings, chemicals too. M.S. is frequently diagnosed years after its intial onset. At the same time, the cause of optic neuritis in many cases can never be found. At the same time, migraine is a VERY common condition affecting about 25 million americans. Your doc is the best judge of your clinical situation.

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