Eyes and Related Health Issues

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optic atrophy

facial tic

From: [email protected]
Date: 20 Mar 2002
Time: 21:23:38
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My son is 3 yr and 4 months old. Since last month he started frequently blinking both of his eyes at various times of a day. It was coming and going on some irregular day interval. Sometime he is fine for 3-4 days. Initially we haven't found any pattern of this behavior. However lately we noticed that he blinks the left eye more and sometimes associated with a facial tic at the left side of hic face. Since last week he pretty much tics every day, specially after waking up from sleep/nap, whenever he is thinking something, or he is upset/crying for any reason. We have made a visit to a Neurologist, but he didn't give any solution other than wait and watch. He also said that it may go away after 2-3 years. Could anyone please help us by giving some suggestion, direction of handling, therapy etc. Thanks,

From: masterdiva
Date: 04 Feb 2000
Time: 20:27:52
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i was diagnosed in 1995 as having optic neuristis since then they have changed it to optic atrophy i have had steroid treatments in the hospital several times & i go to an opthamologists once a year. i have severe disabling migraines which i have told are not related to the optic atrophy. i have been to several neurologists they have gone as far as to say if they were betting men they would bet i had m.s I have taken mri tests & had a spinal tap so is there anyone else that has optic atrophy w/ migraines & if so what do you do about it i am at wits end & going to the poor house trying to resolve my issues

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