Eyes and Related Health Issues

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eye blinking in response to paul

From: kim
Date: 02 Mar 2002
Time: 22:33:29
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my mother and brother both have the same thing it sounds like you have. My son is also starting to show sighns of this too. They have something called tourettes syndrome. It is usually heridtary but is not always seen in other family members. I've just started looking it up for my son and there seems to be good information on the internet. Good Luck!

From: Coordinator, Ophthalmology
Date: 23 Jan 2000
Time: 01:46:09
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Due to heavy traffic on the site, we have decided to archive the discussion items in different health specialty areas once every six months. All items before January 23, 2000 are being currently archived and would be available for viewing in a few days. The items from before January 23, 2000 that have not been answered are left posted on the boards. 

These discussion pages provide a unique opportunity to get a detailed discussion started on health issues that matter to you the most. Please continue to post articles, comments, and real life health situations that you would like to share and start discussion on in this forum...thanks 

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