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Read Daily Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) and Digestive Health News/Tips Here

* Mitral Valve Prolapse is also known as systolic click-murmur syndrome, Barlow’s syndrome, and even floppy mitral valve syndrome.

*Mitral Valve Prolapse occurs in 5-7% of population, with female predomination. May have a genetic component.

*Usually an incidental finding unless associated mitral regurgitation or with rare disorders like Marfan syndrome, and other connective (soft) tissue diseases.

*Usually asymptomatic. The association with atypical chest pain is controversial (see article on angina-like chest pain). There may be panic attacks as well as excessive adrenaline-activity in body causing fast heart rates/rhythms. There may be increased risk of stroke as well as infection in the heart valves. However. The latter are seen in patients with severe prolapse associated with mitral regurgitation. Risk of sudden death is very rare.

*Diagnosis: EKG is generally normal. Echocardiography (ultrasound of heart) is test of choice. Heart cath may be needed in patients with suspected coronary artery disease.

*Treatment: Most require reassurance and no treatment for Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP), especially since there is no specific treatment. Fast heart rate/rhythm problem may be controlled by beta-blockers like Inderal. Blood thinners (aspirin and in refractory cases warfarin) are indicated in patients with minor or major strokes. Antibiotic prophylaxis against infection of heart valves before certain procedures may be needed in certain cases. Patients with symptomatic mitral regurgitation require surgery.

*Prognosis: Generally a benign course for most folks unless complicated by severe mitral regurgitation.

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