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From: DAN
Date: 07 Jan 2005
Time: 15:49:43
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Background: Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) represents a relatively common ED presentation that most clinicians readily recognize. However, the syndrome has defied precise definition and explanation of the underlying pathophysiology for the past 100 years.
Most simply defined, HVS is a condition in which minute ventilation exceeds metabolic demands, resulting in hemodynamic and chemical changes that produce characteristic symptoms.
Symptoms of HVS and panic disorder overlap considerably, although the 2 conditions remain distinct. Approximately 50% of patients with panic disorder and 60% of patients with agoraphobia manifest hyperventilation as part of their symptomatology, whereas only 25% of patients with HVS manifest panic disorder.
Pathophysiology: HVS occurs in acute and chronic forms. Acute HVS accounts for only 1% of cases but is diagnosed more easily. Chronic HVS can present with a myriad of respiratory, cardiac, neurologic, or GI symptoms without any clinically apparent overbreathing by the patient.
Because of the subtlety of the hyperventilation, many patients with chronic HVS are admitted and undergo extensive and expensive testing in an attempt to discover organic causes of their complaints.
The underlying mechanism by which some patients develop hyperventilation is unknown, but theories abound. A population clearly exists in whom certain stressors provoke an exaggerated respiratory response. Several such stressors have been identified, including emotional distress, sodium lactate, caffeine, isoproterenol, cholecystokinin, and CO2.
Infusion of lactate provokes symptoms of panic in 80% of patients with panic disorder but in only 10% of controls. Approximately one half of the lactate responders develop acute hyperventilation as part of the panic reaction. Lactate levels are higher and remain elevated longer in patients with panic disorder than in controls, suggesting that abnormal metabolism of lactate is involved in the pathogenesis, although the exact abnormality has not been characterized. Whether the same abnormality is operant in pure HVS is unknown.
Part of the explanation for HVS lies in the mechanics of breathing. Normal tidal volumes range from 35-45% of vital capacity at rest. Hyperinflation of the lungs beyond that level is resisted by the elastic recoil of the chest wall, and inspiratory volumes beyond this level are perceived as effort or dyspnea.
Patients with HVS tend to breathe by using the upper thorax rather than the diaphragm, resulting in chronically overinflated lungs. When stress induces a need to take a deep breath, the deep breathing is perceived as dyspnea. The sensation of dyspnea creates anxiety, which encourages more deep breathing, and a vicious cycle is created.
Patients with panic disorder have a lower threshold for the fight or flight response and tend to manifest with primarily psychiatric complaints, such as fear of death, impending doom, or claustrophobia. Patients with HVS tend to focus on somatic complaints related to the physiologic changes produced by hyperventilation. The initiating stimulus and the abnormal stress response may be identical in each group but are expressed differently.
* In the US: As many as 10% of patients in a general internal medicine practice are reported to have HVS as their primary diagnosis, although equivalent data are not available for ED presentations.
* Death is extremely rare. A leftward shift in the HbO2 dissociation curve and vasospasm related to low pCO2 may cause myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease and HVS.
* Certain patients are disabled psychologically by their symptoms, and many patients carry false diagnoses. The real danger for patients with HVS is that they suffer complications from unneeded investigations (eg, angiography) or treatment (eg, thrombolytics). Withholding such therapy may be extremely difficult in a patient with crushing chest pain, dyspnea, and/or suggestive electrocardiogram (ECG) changes. * One study reported a series of 45 patients with chest pain who had normal coronary arteries on angiography. These patients ultimately were diagnosed as having HVS. Over a 3.5-year average follow-up period, 67% of the patients had made subsequent ED visits for chest pain, and 40% of the patients had been readmitted to rule out myocardial infarction.
* Clearly HVS not only produces severe and genuine discomfort for the patient, it also accounts for considerable medical expense in excluding more serious pathology.
Sex: A female preponderance of HVS cases exists; the female-to-male ratio may be as high as 7:1.
Age: The peak age of incidence is from 15-55 years, but cases have been reported in all age groups except infancy. CLINICAL Section 3 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography
* Patients with acute HVS may present with great agitation and anxiety.
* Most commonly, the history is of sudden onset of chest pain, dyspnea, or neurologic symptoms (eg, dizziness, weakness, paresthesias) following a stressful event. * Patients with chronic HVS present with similar symptoms of recurrent chest pain, dyspnea, or neurologic deficits but usually have had numerous similar presentations in the past.
* Acute hyperventilation
* Patients often present dramatically with agitation, hyperpnea and tachypnea, chest pain, dyspnea, wheezing, dizziness, palpitations, tetanic cramps (carpopedal spasm), paresthesias, generalized weakness, and syncope. * The patient often complains of a sense of suffocation. An emotionally stressful precipitating event often can be identified.
* Cardiac symptoms
* The chest pain associated with HVS usually has atypical features, but on occasion it may closely resemble typical angina. It tends to last hours rather than minutes. It often is relieved rather than provoked by exercise. It usually is unrelieved by nitroglycerine. * The diagnosis of HVS should be considered in young patients without cardiac risk factors who present with chest pain, particularly if associated with paresthesias and carpopedal spasm. However, this diagnosis should be reached cautiously, because many other potentially serious conditions can cause young patients to present with chest pain (eg, pulmonary embolus).
* ECG changes are common in patients with HVS. Abnormalities may include prolonged QT interval, ST depression or elevation, and T-wave inversion. * In patients with subcritical coronary artery stenosis, the vasospasm induced by hypocarbia may be sufficient to provoke myocardial injury. * The incidence of HVS is high among patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP), and the chest pain associated with MVP may be due to hyperventilation.
* Prinzmetal angina (coronary angiospasm) is triggered by HVS, but the chest pain associated with this syndrome normally would be expected to respond to nitrates or calcium channel blockers.
* Central nervous system symptoms
* CNS symptoms occur because hypocapnia causes reduced cerebral blood flow (CBF). CBF decreases 2% for every mm Hg decrease in pCO2.
* Symptoms of dizziness, weakness, confusion, and agitation are common. * Patients may report feelings of depersonalization and may experience visual hallucinations. * Rarely, syncope or seizure may be provoked by hyperventilation.
* Paresthesias occur more commonly in the upper extremity and are usually bilateral. * Unilateral paresthesias are left-sided in approximately 80% of cases. * Perioral numbness is very common.
* GI symptoms (bloating, belching, flatus, epigastric pressure) may result from aerophagia. * Dry mouth occurs with mouth breathing and anxiety. * Metabolic changes
* Acute metabolic changes result from intracellular shifts and increased protein binding of various electrolytes during respiratory alkalosis. * Acute hypocalcemia can result in carpopedal spasm, muscle twitching, positive Chvostek and Trousseau signs, and prolonged QT interval.
* Hypokalemia tends to be less pronounced than hypocalcemia but can produce generalized weakness. * Acute hypophosphatemia is common and may contribute to paresthesias and generalized weakness.
* Chronic hyperventilation
* The diagnosis of chronic HVS is much more difficult than that of acute HVS because the hyperventilation usually is not clinically apparent. * Often, these patients have had extensive medical investigations and have been assigned several misleading diagnoses. * Two thirds of patients with chronic HVS have a persistently low pCO2 with compensatory renal excretion of HCO3, resulting in a near normal pH.
* The respiratory alkalosis can be maintained with occasional deep sighing respirations, which are observed often in patients with chronic HVS.
* When faced with an additional stress that provokes hyperventilation, the physiologic acid-base reserve is less, and these patients become symptomatic more readily than patients without HVS.
* Many of these patients suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders, experience sexual and marital difficulties, and have poor adaptations to stress.
* Patients with chronic HVS may have symptoms that mimic virtually any serious organic disorder, but usually they have atypical features of these diseases.
* Acute hyperventilation
* Obvious tachypnea and hyperpnea are present.
* Although chest wall tenderness is common in patients with HVS, the finding is not helpful, because chest wall tenderness also is found in pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, coronary artery syndromes, and a wide variety of other serious and benign thoraco-abdominal diseases.
* Carpopedal spasm occurs when acute hypocarbia causes reduced ionized calcium and phosphate levels, resulting in involuntary contraction of the feet or (more commonly) the hands.
* Chvostek or Trousseau signs may be positive because of hypocalcemia.
* Wheezing may be heard because of bronchospasm from hypocarbia.
* Tremor, mydriasis, pallor, tachycardia, and other manifestations of anxiety can occur.
* Evidence of depersonalization or hallucination may be noted.
* Chronic HVS
* Hyperventilation usually not readily apparent
* Frequent sighing respirations, 2-3 per minute
* Chest wall tenderness, numbness, tingling
* Characteristically, multiple complaints without much supporting physical evidence of disease
* The cause of HVS is unknown, but affected persons appear to have an abnormal respiratory response to stress, sodium, lactate, and other chemical and emotional triggers, thereby resulting in excess minute ventilation and hypocarbia.
* The incidence of HVS in first-degree relatives is higher than in the general population, but no clear genetic factors have been identified.